The following is an excerpt from Dukmedri Medevenko's upcoming novel "Smart Moves." I have read most of the book and this is one of my favorite chapters, "Chapter 1: The Fu*k-Up."
"Hi, my name is RN and no, I'm not a Registered Nurse. I am however, smart. Oh, I'm a cunning lad indeed! See, I did a lot of messed up things in my time but the funny thing is - I never quite learned my lesson. Instead of reforming, I regressed. You would think that spending a few months in Federal would change my tune, but no, i'm smart. I don't wish to get a real job, I'd much rather support my family through illegal means using my laptop. I also want to mention that I'm on parole. Smfh. Now I've gone and done it though. I had a great Boyz II Men ticket scam rolling and what do I do? I involved a rapper. But not just any rapper, no, I summonsed the worse kind, an intelligent one. Now he is hot on my case exposing all my goodies to the world, forcing me to frantically post as many new websites, sponsored links, blog posts and comments as I can to counteract this factual information getting out about me. Did you know I even tried to pull the religious card? On yeah man, I laid it on thick, I added a steeple to my page and even a pristine dove. Throw a couple of "Godbless" lines on there and I can make myself look like the poster-child for Christianity! Oh, but back to this rapper guy, I'm not worried about him, but hell man, I don't want this sh*t getting back to my P.O! This clown n***** is herding all of my prior victims together and having them speak out against me! I hadn't even got caught for that sh*t yet man, what the hell! Anyways, I realize that all I can do is blame myself. If I would've just been honest, I wouldn't be trying to cover my tracks harder than Osama in September of 01."
Precursor: To begin, I wish to let everyone whom is reading this know that all the information contained herein is factual with documented proof to show for. So far 3 individuals have emailed reportryan@yahoo.com and spoken up. I have a feeling more victims will also start to pop up as word of this investigation spreads. There are a few things I can't stand in life, one is a racist and the other is a racist whom tries to support his family through con-artistry. This e-HO can retract every statement he's ever made and call me "mate" until the sun stops rising.. but it will never change the fact that not only did he try to scam me (and the country of AU) but also called me a "nigger" after discovering and exposing his plot. Unforgivable.
If you see or are contacted by this individual photo'd above, please report him to local authorities in Australia. This previously convicted criminal tried to pull off a fake Boyz II Men tour with my name attached to it, until I dropped napalm on that azz and exposed his plans to the World. Now he has removed all mentions of B2M on his site and has recently posted a poorly written statement trying to plead his innocence. But immediately afterwards he faxes my office to call me a "Clown Ass Nigger" (spelled exactly as received). WTF!? That is quite a contrast to the heartfelt statement of innocence he has posted in which he ends "God Bless." Wow. He didn't feel the need to do this until my blog brought awareness to his wrongdoings, which lets me know that I exposed the truth. So with that said: DO NOT DO ANY BUSINESS WITH RYAN NAUMENKO (aka BENTLEY STYLES aka MISTAH INFAMOUS), INFAMOUS ENTERTAINMENT GROUP (IEG) or MICHAEL GASKIN. Please note that everything on his (IEG) website is ficticious and all posted with the intent of scamming you for your money (a crime he was convicted of in 2005). This e-HO attempted to scam his natives using everything from Internet marketing scams and fake Air Yeezy sneakers to bogus Tiffany Jewelry auctions. If you are the victim of any of the aforementioned crimes, please contact reportryan@yahoo.com and join the civil action investigation. Look out for this e-HO and report him on-site. Also.. The threats of a defamation counteraction catch a LMFAO because reporting me is reporting yourself.. that's the Catch 22 of being a criminal.. a dumb one at that.
Photo'd above is Ryan Naumenko who uses Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and the public internet to commit his crimes. An example of a crime currently in progress is the address "Mistah Infamous" currently uses in recent online posts and on the IEG website as a business address. Upon having the address investigated, reports came back that the address is a community office building housing many company offices. The supplied Suite number lead to an Attorney's office, one that DID NOT represent Mr. Naumenko nor has ever heard of him or his company. Said attorney is now looking into the matter and is obviously upset that his company has been attached to a criminal organization without his knowledge.
Google the names "Ryan Naumenko," "Bentley Stylez" and "Mistah Infamous" for more insight into how this "clown" gets down. You may see my name tagged in the tag cloud of his fictitious posts but you can rest assured that the only relation I have to this fool is that he's currently paying for trying to pull one over on me.
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